Public Information - Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI-CPC)

What is AA? Who are members of AA? Click below for answers

What is AA?

Military Veteran Interview Project

Click either image to download the full letter (PDF). 

What is AA?

Carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to our local community by sharing information what AA is. Read more about Alcoholics Anonymous below.


Public Information

We offer in-person and virtual presentations about Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) to schools, shelters, community centers, health fairs, treatment facilities, rotary clubs, that AA can be of help.


Professional Community

Using virtual or in-person presentations, we provide information about AA to help professionals understand what AA is about, how we help those suffering from alcoholism, and when to refer a person to AA.


Carry The Message

Member of the PI-CPC Committee carry the message by conveying information and establishing communication about AA to the media, the general public and the professional community.


Public Information-Cooperation with the Professional Community

Help those who can’t stop drinking.  Try PI-CPC!

The Valley Service Center PI/CPC is responsible for carrying the message to the local public at large and creating greater understanding of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, and answering the question “What is AA?”

We accomplish this by communicating with TriValley community groups, using media and holding Public Information meetings.

We seek to share information about AA with those professionals and individuals who come into contact and work with alcoholics to help spread the word about how to stop drinking. 

Our efforts are guided by a desire to further mutual understanding between AA and professionals. We seek only to increase awareness of AA without affiliating with any outside organization or entities.

What Is PI-CPC?

Provides information to the public, schools, community groups, public at large, when requested

shares accurate AA information to the public when requested through sharing resources and offering live and virtual presentations from members of AA

Provides information about AA to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession

profesionales de la salud, educadores, clérigos, agentes de la ley, funcionarios de los tribunales y personas que trabajan en el ámbito del alcoholismo

AA does not affilate with other entities or organizations and does cooperate with anyone to help the still suffering

Members of VISC AA PI-CPC committee are trained to bring presentations to any group or professional organization in our efforts to better help the still-suffering alcoholic.