Accessibilities Committee
Chair and CoChair Position Is OpenThe Accessibility Committee Chair position is currently OPEN. If you are interested in being of service, please contact us to state your interest.
Accessibility Committees explores, develops, and offers resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery. We want A.A. to be available to all alcoholics who reach out for it.
- Proyectos que apoyan a los miembros con diversos problemas de accesibilidad
- Comunicaciones que mantienen al público y a las agencias apropiadas informadas sobre la accesibilidad de A.A.
- Proporcionar recursos y orientación a los grupos para que puedan acoger a todos los miembros de A.A.
Audio Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous provides visual information such as pamphlets, books, video with closed caption to help carry the message to alcoholics who are Deaf
or Hard-of-Hearing. We will also provide interpreters with ASL training when a group or meeting is made aware of the need.
Volunteers Needed
AA is a “we” program and would not be able to function without the dedication of our members who volunteer to be of service with planning, organizing, and producing these workshops. We are always in need of volunteers. Always remember that without the “we” there is o “me” in AA.
It Is Time To Help Keep AA Strong In The Valley
Feel Like It’s Time to Be Of Service?
The Workshop Committee is in need of a Chair and CoChair to bring meaningful information to our TriValley members in the Workshop format.
It will only succeed if you take the time to step up and attend the monthly Intergroup meetings, plan at least ONE workshop in the twelve months as Chair and CoChair.
Many topics are available and people are willing to help if you reach out to them.
Accessibility Chair Activities
Use the Accessibilities Committee Workbook and Kit to manage the Valley Service Council committee.
Develop or maintain projects that support members with a variety of accessibility challenges
Share communications that keep the public and appropriate agencies informed about A.A. accessibility
Provide resources and guidance to groups so that they can accommodate all A.A. members
Why Be of Service?
Tradition One says it best! “Our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends on AA unity.”
Service positions help to spread the message to our other member groups and maintain a sense of “giving away” our spirituality to others who may need it more than we realize.
And we in AA, know that in order to keep our wonderful spiritual base we must give it away. Volunteer to be “of service” today and expand your horizon.
Valley Intergroup Service Council Committees Help Us Learn More About Alcoholics Anonymous
The most vital, yet least understood, group of services that AA has are those that enable us to function as a whole…our worldwide unity and mch of our growth since early times are directly traceable to this cluster of life-giving activities. [excerpt from AA Service Manual, Appendix A, Legacies of Service, written by Bill W] We learn these things in workshops in the Valley Service area.
Accessibilities help ensure that anyone anywhere with a desire to stop drinking or continue with sobriety has access to meetings, your help is needed to identify and assist those in need.
Questions are often asked by newer members and answered by oldtimers who may have slanted their own ideas derived from mistaken notions.
Accessibility Committee Focus
- projects that support members with a variety of accessibility challenges
- Comunicaciones que mantienen al público y a las agencias apropiadas informadas sobre la accesibilidad de A.A.
- Proporcionar recursos y orientación a los grupos para que puedan acoger a todos los miembros de A.A.